KCPA  Kent County Photographic Association - Association of most of the Camera Clubs/Photographic societies in Kent.
SxPF  SxPF is here to advance, promote and encourage club photography in Sussex.
PAGB  Photographic Alliance of Great Britain - Alliance of all the Regional Federations/Associations in Great Britain 
RPS  Royal Photographic Society 
LRPS  Licentiate of the RPS - This is the first level of distinction offered by the RPS. Judged on a panel of 10 prints or slides. 
ARPS  Associate of the RPS - Judged on a panel of 15 prints or slides.
FRPS  Fellow of the RPS - The highest distinction awarded by the FRPS - Judged on a panel of 20 prints or slides.
Hon FRPS  Honoury Fellow of the RPS - Awarded for services to the RPS.
CPAGB  Credit from the PAGB - First level of award from the PAGB - Judged from 10 prints, or slides, with a standard of 'Good Club Photography'
DPAGB  Distinction from the PAGB - Judged from 15 prints, or slides, with a standard of 'Open Exhibition Photography'
MPAGB  Master from the PAGB - Highest level of award from the PAGB - Judged from 20 prints, or slides, with a standard of 'The Highest Standard of Amateur Photography'
APAGB  PAGB award for Meritorious Service. Awarded to persons who have given outstanding service to photographers belonging to member societies of the federations of the PAGB.
BPE  British Photographic Exhibitions - Awards given for the number of acceptances gained. BPE1* - 25 acceptances, BPE2* - 50 acceptances, BPE3* - 100 acceptances, BPE4* - 200 acceptances and BPE5* - 300 acceptances.
FIAP  Federation Internationale de l'Art Photographique. Worldwide federation to develop relationships amongst photographers (the PAGB is affiliated to the organisation).
AFIAP  Artist of FIAP - The first level of award FIAP for photographic merit in international competition.
MFIAP  Master of FIAP - The highest level of FIAP award for photographic merit in international competition.
Are all FIAP awards for services to FIAP and photography.
PSA  Photographic Society of America.
BIPP  British Institute of Professional Photography - Covers awards such as ABIPP etc
BPIA  The British Photographic and Imaging Association
MPA  Master Photographers Association - Covers awards such as - LMPA , FMPA etc
AOP  Association Of Photographers